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BookSnaps in 3rd ESO C. Being Creative with Literature

BOOKSNAPS in 3rd ESO C.  BEING CREATIVE WITH LITERATURE. INTRODUCTION Our students of 3rd ESO C have read a book according to their level of English and taste. And apart from reading and working on the comprehensive activities and summarizing the book; they have also created a BookSnap. What??? Don't you know what it is? No problem! Have a look at theirs!  In short, a BookSnap d raws Meaningful connections to the text. So it is a good way of going a step deeper into the text and analysing some of the scenes that they liked by adding audios, emoticons, highlighting, underlining... manipulating the book as if you were really writing or taking notes on it. In order to create their Booksnap, they had to work only with Google Chrome and using a plattform called Bookcreator . They also used their bitmoji to add their personal avatar. In order to see the whole Booksnap ( not only the cover page) click on the link below the Books Covers. Congratulations to all st