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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: febrer, 2018

Narrative text

Hi!  Here, all of 2nd ESO C students have explained what a narrative text consist of. This was an hypothetical easy project where the students had to explain a day that they enjoyed last Christmas; but it has taken some time to be produced... First, because they had to organize the structure of a narrative text, then they had to find a picture,next they had to write and rewrite their text. Once done, thay had to rehearse and practice it because they had to present their picture to the rest of the students and finally because they had to record their story in oder to be attached here as an audio file. My last step has been to digitalize the hand-made poster with a very useful platform called that converts anything you want into an interactive and lively file! So you will be able to see all the group poster, all their written dossiers and all their recordings! We are very HAPPY with the result! And every Monday, we will review the narrative texts by wri